
Endwalker Secret In The Box

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The mysterious maiden regards y'all with interest.

Quest description

Secret in the Box Undercover in the Box is a Quest in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.

Objectives [ ]

  • Examine the letter.
  • Solve the riddles in the alphabetic character to obtain keys.
  • Examine the box.

Script [ ]

Secret in the Box Clandestine in the Box script
Mysterywoman04317 Y'all are [Player Name], are yous not? I've been looking for yous.
Mysterywoman04317 I'm an adventurer too, and I've been tasked with delivering this letter and box to you. Though I can't say who sent them, rest assured that my client ways you no ill.
Mysterywoman04317 My work is done, so I'll leave you to it, only I suggest you lot start past reading the letter.
Mysteryletter04317 Love [Player Name],

There is a souvenir for y'all in the box─if y'all can open it.

Mysteryletter04317 To exercise so, yous must larn three keys, the keepers of which are somewhere in Sharlayan.
Mysteryletter04317 Solve the following riddles to observe them. And practise try to have fun. This is a game, later all.
Mysteryletter04317 Towards wisdom aspiring, a keeper doth gaze,

By immature minds inquiring and new trails blazed. Yet the mind is a musculus, in residuum information technology doth grow, So let all embrace slumber, the ameliorate to know.

Mysteryletter04317 By life ever-flowing, a keeper doth await,

Clutching a prize, his hunger to sate. Yet no prize is so coveted as i aureate-hued, The mention of which is never thought rude.

Mysteryletter04317 Blessed by the nymphai, a keeper doth stand,

Enthralled in a tale, a book in his hand. Still evocative as letters on parchment may be, 'Tis words said and heard which impel destiny.

Mysterystudent04317 <yawn> I worked on a report all night, and information technology's all I can do not to doze off in class... I idea the fresh air might assistance to wake me up.
Mysterystudent04317 I've been waiting for you, [Player Proper noun]. Hither, my master bade me give you this key.
Mysterystudent04317 To get and so far as to disguise himself equally a woman... It shows how much he wanted to meet you in person.
Mysterystudent04317 Anyhow, I've played my part, and then I'll render to my training. Enjoy the rest of the game.
Saytodo golden acorn
Mysteryboy04317 Well done, my friend! From the tales I heard nearly you, I expected you'd find me in brusque order─and you did.
Mysteryboy04317 Heard from who, you ask? Oh, only a homo I admire. It was due to his influence that I decided to train under the aforementioned master. What joy to see him once more after all these years!
Mysteryboy04317 My disguise, I chose because I felt it'd be a good friction match for him. Quite convincing, don't you think?
Mysteryboy04317 Ah, but before I forget─hither's your cardinal. I'll let yous get back to the game, but when you lot have a moment, I'd love to hear some of your tales!
Izumi Greetings, [Thespian Name]. That you've sought me out means you've read the letter─and solved the riddle as well.
Izumi Of all our master's pupils, your comrade is the least poetic past far. But that's never stopped him from trying to woo the ladies with vocal. He truly is hopeless.
Izumi Still, it's proficient to see him hale and whole. From what Master tells us, he'south been through a lot.
Izumi The next time you see him, do pass along my regards. And here, of class, is your central.
Mysteryletter04317 Dear [Histrion Name],

Allow me to congratulate you lot for solving the riddles. As promised, the gift is yours is to have.

Mysteryletter04317 A long time ago, Master Louisoix left a little troublemaker in my care. At his behest, I taught the boy everything I knew in the ways of survival and infiltration.
Mysteryletter04317 Later years abroad from these shores, the boy has returned a man. By the set of his face alone, 'tis plain he has matured profoundly.
Mysteryletter04317 A product of his time with the Scions, I practice non doubtfulness. I thank you for being there for him, and inquire that you keep to practice so.
Mysteryletter04317 Lastly, I ask that you forgive me for not saying this directly. In spite of myself, I've never been good at expressing heartfelt sentiments in person, hence this letter. The manner of its delivery, at the very to the lowest degree, I wished to make interesting, and I promise you derived some enjoyment from it.
Quest complete.

Endwalker Secret In The Box,


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