
How To Find Clients For Property Management Company

Editors Note: This commodity was originally published on Baronial 1, 2017 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

How to become property management leads and close a deal in seven days

Growing your belongings direction company takes both long-term and brusque-term strategies.

Building your website, social media, expanding SEO efforts, cold calling, and creating electronic mail campaigns can be great for enhancing your business organization over the side by side year.

But what if you want to add a new property management client within the next vii days?

Information technology takes determination and bold activity to meet this challenge, but if you use these four techniques, landing a client by the cease of the week is entirely possible!

Below are 4 techniques to help you find property management clients.

Inquire for Referrals from Current Clients

No one understands the level of dedication yous provide better than your electric current clients.

Research shows that referral customers are more profitable, as well as reliable. Referred customers are approximately 25% more than profitable per year while and 18% less probable to churn than non-referred customers.

why do you need referred clients
The study is from Wharton School Acquaintance Professor of Marketing Christophe Van den Bulte, Goethe University Frankfurt Professor Bernd Skiera, and doctoral student Philipp Schmitt.

Inquire them if they know any other property owners in the area who would do good from your services.

To make things more than enticing, you can as well offer a referral discount.

Consult with Your Realtor

In nearly any town, the local real estate agent can bulldoze downwards the street and tell you who owns nearly every property.

They as well know the local landlords.

Talk with your realtor or someone in the existent estate industry, and you may discover a golden atomic number 82.

You could besides extend a referral payment to your local realtors.

consult with realtors in your local area

Join the Chamber of Commerce

The Sleeping accommodation of Commerce in your city is full of bright, motivated, and inspired people.

It'southward also full of property owners and renters of both residential and commercial belongings.

Bedroom of Commerce could exist your opportunity to land a profitable, long-term client who lives and works in your area.

But is joining the chamber of commerce a good option for you lot?

Apply Rental Ads as Leads

Why non go straight to the source?

Option up a local paper or browse online rental listings for properties that you could manage on the possessor's behalf.

There's ane crucial stipulation, however: avert calling other belongings management companies.

Look for ads placed by the property owner and send a friendly hi message.

Whether it'southward a phone call or an email, emphasize that your services are available now and in the future, and you lot'd dearest to help in whatever way possible.

If the holding owner shows interest, then you tin move into more than direct selling techniques.

rental property ads as leads

How to manage your new property management leads

Now that you take laid the groundwork for high-quality lead generation.

It'southward important not to lose your momentum. Y'all don't desire to waste product a single opportunity.

Below is a listing of tips you lot can follow to make the most your leads:

Use a customer relationship management tool

As leads come up in by telephone call or a website form, you lot tin can use a customer relationship management (CRM) tool to continue track of all your new prospects.

There are many smashing options bachelor, below are vi affordable CRM platforms you can consider:

  • Freshsales
  • Pipedrive
  • Copper
  • Less Annoying
  • Zoho
  • Insightly

Never miss another call

After spending time, resources, and money to get the phone to ring, yous cannot beget to lose a telephone call.

If you lot have a receptionist, it volition exist essential to train them on your different campaigns. Yous make them more than knowledgeable and improve prepared for the inbounds calls.

For most firms, they volition rely on a holding direction answering service to handle their entering calls.

The top benefits of using an answering service for your firm, include:

  • 24-hour availability
  • Schedule appointments
  • Filter unwanted calls
  • Have the phone call center use your CRM or software

Mensurate your campaigns

The only way you can run into what is working is to track your campaigns. Past monitoring your marketing and sales campaigns, you will be able to identify the winners and losers.

In that location are several ways that you can measure out your success, and two of the methods are mentioned above. Past utilizing a CRM and answering service, you will be able to capture information.

Important information you should consider gathering includes:

  • Lead sources
  • Time and day of calendar week
  • Number of calls
  • Number of qualified calls
  • Conversion charge per unit


With the property direction manufacture becoming more and more competitive, you demand to test different sales and marketing strategies.

Above we explored four opportunities to generate leads to grow a successful property management business. The ane thing each of these opportunities has in common is cost.

These tips will cost you no money, merely your time.


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