
How To Seal Acrylic Paint On Wood

Hi, I'm Randy Charles, the creator and chief editor of this site Paintcentric. I'm a businessman now past profession, just I used to work every bit...Read more

Anybody loves furniture either in their home or function, and this honey has been passed over generations through the use of wooden furniture pieces that brand our places await cute. Adding colour to wooden pieces has been fabricated simple, cheers to the introduction of acrylic wood pigment. If you do not add a layer of quality sealer on your acrylic finish, water, scratches, and clay may dethrone it inside a short menstruation and further destroy the wood.

In this article, we'll give you lot a step-by-step guide on how to seal acrylic paint on wood to make information technology more attractive and durable.


  • Is Sealing Painted Wood Necessary?
  • What Do Yous Utilize To Seal Pigment On Woods?
  • How To Seal Acrylic Pigment On Forest
    • Step – 1: Smooth Sand
    • Step – 2: Wipe Make clean
    • Pace – 3: Apply Wood Sealant
    • Step – iv: Prime the Woods
    • Step – five: Paint the Forest
    • Step – vi: Seal the Acrylic Pigment
  • Is This Process the Same for All Types of Wood?
    • Tips for sealing painted wood
    • Types Of Acrylic Paint Sealer
  • What Is The Best Sealer For Painted Wood?
  • Conclusion

Is Sealing Painted Wood Necessary?

Sealing acrylic painted wood is crucial for its durability. Without sealing your acrylic pigment leaves it vulnerable to peeling, clay and habiliment. Being a water-based paint, if wiped using a moisture rag, information technology leaves color residue on the rag. Information technology'due south essential to seal your acrylic painted wood to protect information technology from dirt, water or chemicals that may rip off the paint. Nobody would want to ruin a craft apace they have invested so much time to build; this is plenty reason why sealing acrylic paint is actually necessary.

Is Sealing Painted Wood Necessary

What Exercise You Utilize To Seal Paint On Wood?

However beautiful acrylic paints are, they dry up so irksome and often appear disappointing compared to other oil-based paints. By adding a layer of sealant on pinnacle of your painting tin can make your colours brighten up and shine once more.

What Do You Use To Seal Paint On Wood

So, what do y'all use to seal pigment on wood? There are several wood paint sealers available in the market today. They include water-based, varnish and Polycrylic sealants. If you want a glossy and smooth water-resistant terminate, so Polycrylic would be your best pick. For matte finish lovers, Ployclyric offers a range of options from semi-gloss, satin, matte and gloss.

How To Seal Acrylic Paint On Wood

Whether you are refurbishing your about loved furniture or only working on a new piece of craft, the finish product matters; if you desire to requite your forest that 'wow' finish, you have to know how to play around with your paint and sealant.To achieve the best results, here are a few crucial steps to guide you on how to seal acrylic paint on wood:

How To Seal Acrylic Paint On Wood

Step – 1: Smooth Sand

The foundation of getting a beautiful paint result is wood preparation. This step makes all the difference. Yous demand to obtain a clean and smooth surface by sanding your wood. Apply a sanding sponge or 140-180 dust sandpaper to obtain a perfectly smooth surface.

Stride – two: Wipe Make clean

Once y'all're done with sanding, information technology'due south time to clean your arts and crafts. Using a piece of cloth or sponge, dust off excess wood grains from the surface. If the surface is not adequately cleaned, the leftover clay and grain will prevent the wood from absorbing the primer likewise as the paint and sealant. If the wood is not satisfactory smooth, you can sand it again. Proceed in listen the cloth or sponge has to be dry. Do non use a dump piece.

Pace – 3: Apply Wood Sealant

As mentioned above, sealing your acrylic paint is disquisitional since it will protect it from pealing, dirt, impairment and more than then makes it durable. There is a range of options in the market when it comes to sealant finishes. They include and are not limited to gloss, matte, satin etc. It all boils down to personal preference. Using a castor or spray, apply a sparse coat of your preferred sealant and allow it dry. You can add a second layer if you experience information technology'due south not enough.

Step – 4: Prime number the Wood

You kickoff accept to apply a primer for your acrylic pigment to be perfectly absorbed past the wood you're painting. This could take a few hours to dry out. Let the forest to blot the primer and dry out completely earlier applying your acrylic paint. Primer helps seal the tiny holes on the wood, thus letting the acrylic paint apply smoothly and uniformly. On a primer, lighter colours will be more vibrant.

Step – 5: Paint the Forest

After applying primer to the wood, it's time to add some colour. Make certain your pigment is correctly mixed. Use a clean brush, sponge or spray. Apply gently two to three coats giving time to completely dry before applying a new coat.  This improves pigment adherence. Afterward the final coat, give the forest enough time to cure; this could take several hours or a couple of days.

Stride – 6: Seal the Acrylic Paint

Once your paint is well dried, overnight recommended to allow the wood to absorb the paint and cure.Use a brush-on or spray-on acrylic sealant to utilise a thin coat layer on your wood. Allow the sealer to dry as per the manufacturer recommendation earlier applying a second coat. Before applying acrylic paint sealer, call back to clean wipe your surface.

Is This Process the Same for All Types of Wood?

No, not really. At that place is an assortment of methods past which you lot tin protect your acrylic paint on woods. This depends on the type of woods you'reworking on.

Wood is porous but not on the same level. Different wood have dissimilar levels of porosity. Sealing is only recommended but non compulsory. Some types of woods practice well with paint simply, nevertheless others will crave sealing to bring out a beautiful finish. This process will vary depending on the blazon of wood you have used, either finished or unfinished. Usually, finished wood does not require sealing since they have already been waxed.

Tips for sealing painted forest

Information technology'due south nowhere shut to rocket science, and yous practise non demand any expertise. How to seal acrylic paint on woods is relatively simple and easy to do. Employ a paintbrush, sponge, or cloth to apply the sealant. Dip information technology in the sealant and apply a sparse coat to the woods. Allow information technology to dry out before y'all impact or use another layer.

When sealing painted wood, it'south recommended that yous use wax or oil-based sealants. These types of sealants give your surface a more than durable finish. Retrieve to thoroughly clean, sand and wipe clean your wood before sealing.

Types Of Acrylic Pigment Sealer

As same, in that location are 3 main types of acrylic pigment sealants which are:

  1. Wax-based – This is an ancient form of sealing method. It is made of oil, solvents and alkyd resin. It's non recommended; however, some people love this type of stop.
  2. Water-based – Equally the proper name suggests, this type of sealant has no chemical solvent only water. It is not equally durable as solvent-based sealants.
  3. Polycrylic – This is an oil-based stop. It is glossy and provides an uncommonly polish water-resistant type of seal. It is very durable.

Other acrylic paint sealers are polyurethane, varnish, articulate forest sealant, coat, mode podge, gel medium etc.

Polyurethane is mainly used on stained surfaces. It is durable however may appear xanthous with time.

A clear wood sealant is a perfect choice for those who love a glossy stop. Information technology prevents your woods from scratching easily. It also works well on a wide range of pigment types.

What Is The All-time Sealer For Painted Woods?

In that location are several sealers for painted forest varying from different manufacturers and qualities; thus, picking the best tin can sometimes be overwhelming. You lot should non let your valued craft get ruined by using the wrong sealant on information technology. Instead, always protect it past using the best sealer bachelor. Each sealer has its pros and cons and is suitable for unlike weather and weather.

What Is The Best Sealer For Painted Wood

For example, for a thick and robust glossy terminate, you might adopt gloss varnish/gloss medium. Whereas if you lot want your colours to 'pop" with an ultra-high gloss finish, the resin is the manner to go.

Be sure to bank check out our review on the best sealer for painted forest here.


If you've been reading this commodity, youarefamiliar with how to seal acrylic pigment on woods. With a broad diversity of sealants bachelor in the market today, you cannot afford to let your wood stay unprotected. When shopping for an acrylic paint seal, remember the glossy ones are more durable; however, it's your personal preference. Even though sealants offer adequate wood protection on painted surfaces, information technology is non a guaranteed wood preservation method.

Randy Charles

Hullo, I'm Randy Charles, the creator and principal editor of this site Paintcentric. I'one thousand a man of affairs now by profession, simply I used to work every bit a painter earlier in my professional career. In that location is only zilch about painting that I didn't do every bit a painter. From painting a fridge to a multi-storied edifice, I left nothing. I retired from my painting job in the mid of 2018 due to back arthritis issues.

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